ROCATD welcomes leadership on many levels! We are a volunteer based organization that thrives when our members and community actively participate!
Where to join and share your talents:
We invite you to join us as we continue to build and strengthen ROCATD. Committee participation gives you a voice in how we reach and work with our members and the broader Talent Development Community. Each committee is directly supported by a specific Board member with a direct line of communication to the Board as we plan for and develop our chapter.
We have opportunities in Membership, Marketing, Professional Development, Technology, DEIB, Finance and Special Events.
What is this?
A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of members who meet monthly to share knowledge, explore issues, review resources, and provide support. Each group has a focus in a primary area of talent development. Members may join as many as they wish AND members are welcome to start a new group to lead or co-lead.
Groups can have different members lead the discussion based on their own interests and expertise. Each meeting has a particular topic, article, or resource to center the discussion. The lead helps to facilitate and is the point of communication for the group.
We believe this is where you find and create the relationships that support and enhance you as a professional (and whole human being) through the constant flux of our positions and lives. This is where we build our community.
We are looking for new Community of Practice Groups!Please let us know if you are interested. We are here to support and assist you! Please email to discuss
ATD Rochester is governed by volunteer leaders who represent all aspects of the training and human resources development profession. These leaders utilize their management, marketing and technical skills to plan, administer, and implement the policies, programs and projects of the Chapter. Through their guidance, the organization serves the educational and professional development needs of its members.
We invite you to let us know if you are interested in learning more about joining our Board. Please email Leanne Reed at
ATD - Rochester Chapter #1091 1100 Jefferson Rd Suite 12 Rochester, NY 14623